Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Finally" Out?

Lately I've been convicted about the word "Finally". It's a natural response to a situation you feel has gone on for too long. But I believe as a Follower of Christ I'm called to live higher than the natural responses of life. God has shown me time and time again that his timing always beats mine. So I can say "Somebody finally bought my house after its been on the market for x amount of time." But when I begin to look at how much better things are because it happened now vs when I was ready and I begin to wonder how appropriate "Finally" really is. I'll probably still use the word and will probably still be saying it from a point of frustration but it's something to think about I believe.


  1. Considering that you'll be living for a long time, I would say that "finally" will get old after a eternity of waiting on things to be "in order"...

  2. You're right, Ken. I think I've come to realize that more often than not the timing and order of life events serve a purpose that I might not initially see or appreciate, but have taken place that way because God knows best. You know, I think he's even answered prayers of mine that probably weren't for the best, but he's still managed to make the outcome educational or fulfilling in some way.

  3. Prayers are funny. I have this analogy from when I was a kid. I would order things from cereal boxes or catalogs and the wait period was always 6-8 weeks. The first week or two I was running to the mailbox looking for it because I didn't have a concept of time. After about that 2nd week I stop thinking about it and then it appears. It was right on time. Prayer seems like that sometimes. We pray and pray and eventually it seems when we stop stressing that's when the answer comes.
